Smooth Feather Film School is a one-week film school hosted at the Kezar Falls Theater every August where local youth write, film, and edit an original film. Last year, we had a one-to-one student to staff ratio, which provided our participants with a high level of professional instruction. The past two years, we have had a sold-out red carpet premiere and it has been amazing to see the support from the community, as well as the creativity pouring out of our youth.
Smooth Feather Excursions is an after school adventure program for youth. Our aim is to immerse ourselves in the beautiful Maine outdoors while establishing a powerful bond. Smooth Feather Excursions offers this opportunity to a handful of participants every winter, spring, and fall. The tuition for each of our students is free thanks to the generous donations that we receive every year from our Smooth Feather Youth Patrons.