Smooth Feather is a non-profit based in southern Maine with a mission to empower youth and community through filmmaking. Based in a historic 1880s theater in Kezar Falls, Maine, we bring youth together throughout the year to make a wide variety of films that reflect both their struggles and their dreams as teenagers living in rural Maine. We provide a safe place for young people to be vulnerable, to share about the difficulties in their lives, and to find a common connection with others while making films.

Chris Lombard- My name is Chris Lombard and I live in Pownal, Maine. I work with people and their horses to help them connect with each other and I also write articles, essays, and books chronicling that work and how our connections with horses inspire us to learn more about life in all ways. I first worked with Smooth Feather in 2019 when my horse and I acted in one of their films “Breaking Reigns”. Upon seeing the creativity, inspiration, and connection among the youth and the instructors I was called to support Smooth Feather in any way I could, and that led to me becoming an instructor from 2020 onward and then later joining the board of directors as well. Smooth Feather creates a very safe, grounded, open-hearted platform for our local youth to open up and be themselves, share themselves, and create from their hearts in ways that not only inspires our local community, but brings it closer together as well, and I am very proud to be a part of it.
Gwyneth Hibbert- My Name is Gwyneth Hibbert, and I am a freelance filmmaker. I have taken on several roles through my time with Smooth Feather and now serve as an instructor and board member. Originally joining as a student, I have held different titles including directing, producing, among other supporting roles. Smooth Feather is truly built on the foundation of our community, vulnerability, and connection. I have found the space that Smooth Feather provides allows us to deeply connect with each other, a truly rare experience in today's world, which makes any experiences I have with Smooth Feather freeing to any insecurities that hold me back.
Martha Tracy- My name is Martha Tracy and I moved to Kezar Falls 50 years ago with my soon to be husband, Peter. We were married in our barn and spent our lives building a small farm, various small businesses, and raising two children. I have watched our town through the decades and seen its ebbs and flows, triumphs and struggles. In recent years the town has been declining in spirit and vitality. I feel fortunate to be a member of the Smooth Feather Board, because Smooth Feather is something that is working here. It is bringing joy, insight, and curiosity to the young people in our area and to everyone that walks into its ancient theater with the memories of 175 years.
Parker Day- My name is Parker and I am currently a senior at Sacopee Valley High School. My involvement with Smooth Feather includes acting in, "Dude, Where's the Snake?" and directing "Silently United." Through Smooth Feather, I have been able to form incredibly strong connections and relationships where everyone makes each other feel supported and comfortable. By embracing vulnerability and allowing people to feel loved and supported, Smooth Feather continues to inspire me to look forward towards future projects.
Sandra Taylor- I am Sandra Taylor and I am from Cornish, Maine. I am a digital arts media teacher at the local high school and an instructor at Smooth Feather. About a year ago, I had heard about the work that Smooth Feather was doing with students and I wanted to see what it was all about. I thought I would stop in for just one day of the three-day shoot they were currently working on, but after dipping my toes in for a bit, I just had to see the finished project. The experience was life changing and I have been involved ever since. I have seen students come out of their shells and discover that they have a voice. This experience transforms them into being who they are meant to be. I am a part of the board of directors because I saw that I could make a real difference for students outside of school through Smooth Feather.
Tyler Muise- My name is Tyler Muise and I am currently studying business management at Central Maine Community College. I have directed and produced different Smooth Feather films as a student and I have now transitioned into an instructor role. Smooth Feather is vital in building connections within our community through films that our students create based off of their own experiences. Building new connections is important to me because the stories and films we create shed a different perspective on difficult subjects and topics that we bring to the forefront of conversations. I am inspired by our diverse and creative team, as well as the amazing community that supports us. Smooth Feather has changed me drastically by allowing me to become a leader and be a part of creating films that have a real impact on others.
Silas Hagerty - I am Silas Hagerty and I am a filmmaker who grew up in Porter, Maine. In 2016, I had the idea of hosting a film school for youth at the historic theater I had recently purchased in my hometown. That first summer of teaching film with my close filmmaking friends quickly became the inspiration for Smooth Feather’s mission today: empowering youth and community through filmmaking. One of my greatest joys in life is making films with youth inside of our community's historic movie theater. Each room buzzes with creativity, laughter, tears, and all that comes from combining the many artistic forms into film. When we lower the screen for a film premiere, the empowerment and community connection of Smooth Feather comes to life.