Dakota 38 - Film Screening
We will be screening "Dakota 38" on December 21st at 6pm at the Smooth Feather Theater. This is Smooth Feather's longest film that took nearly a decade to complete and we're looking forward to screening it on the big screen once again. There will be a community conversation following the film and like all of our programming it's free of charge to attend. Much love and I look forward to connecting with whoever is able to make it!
In the spring of 2005, Jim Miller, a Native spiritual leader and Vietnam veteran, found himself in a dream riding on horseback across the great plains of South Dakota. Just before he awoke, he arrived at a riverbank in Minnesota and saw 38 of his Dakota ancestors hanged. At the time, Jim knew nothing of the largest mass execution in United States history, ordered by Abraham Lincoln on December 26, 1862. “When you have dreams, you know when they come from the creator… As any recovered alcoholic, I made believe that I didn’t get it. I tried to put it out of my mind, yet it’s one of those dreams that bothers you night and day.”
Now, four years later, embracing the message of the dream, Jim and a group of riders retrace the 330-mile route of his dream on horseback from Lower Brule, South Dakota to Mankato, Minnesota to arrive at the hanging site on the anniversary of the execution. “We can’t blame the wasichus anymore. We’re doing it to ourselves. We’re selling drugs. We’re killing our own people. That’s what this ride is about, is healing.” This is the story of their journey- the blizzards they endure, the Native and Non-Native communities that house and feed them along the way, and the dark history they are beginning to wipe away.
This film was created in line with Native healing practices. In honoring this ceremony, we are screening and distributing “Dakota 38″ as a gift rather than for sale. This film was inspired by one individual’s dream and is not promoting any organization or affiliated with any political or religious groups. It was simply created to encourage healing and reconciliation.

Dakota 38 - Film Screening
In the spring of 2005, Jim Miller, a Native spiritual leader and Vietnam veteran, found himself in a dream riding on horseback across the great plains of South Dakota. Just before he awoke, he arrived at a riverbank in Minnesota and saw 38 of his Dakota ancestors hanged. At the time, Jim knew nothing of the largest mass execution in United States history, ordered by Abraham Lincoln on December 26, 1862. “When you have dreams, you know when they come from the creator… As any recovered alcoholic, I made believe that I didn’t get it. I tried to put it out of my mind, yet it’s one of those dreams that bothers you night and day.”
Now, four years later, embracing the message of the dream, Jim and a group of riders retrace the 330-mile route of his dream on horseback from Lower Brule, South Dakota to Mankato, Minnesota to arrive at the hanging site on the anniversary of the execution. “We can’t blame the wasichus anymore. We’re doing it to ourselves. We’re selling drugs. We’re killing our own people. That’s what this ride is about, is healing.” This is the story of their journey- the blizzards they endure, the Native and Non-Native communities that house and feed them along the way, and the dark history they are beginning to wipe away.
This film was created in line with Native healing practices. In honoring this ceremony, we are screening and distributing “Dakota 38″ as a gift rather than for sale. This film was inspired by one individual’s dream and is not promoting any organization or affiliated with any political or religious groups. It was simply created to encourage healing and reconciliation.

Smooth Feather Film Screening at the Ossipee Valley Music Festival
We’re always excited to collaborate with our favorite local music festival! Come on out to watch some of Smooth Feather’s latest summer film’s on the big screen at the Ossipee Valley Music Festival!

Maine Filmmaker Showcase at MOFF with Smooth Feather!
We’re incredibly honored to be invited once again to the Maine filmmaker showcase at the Maine Outdoor Film Festival! This is such an incredible platform for our youth to share their films and connect with other filmmakers!

Summer Red Carpet Film Premiere
Come on out to be part of Smooth Feather’s summer film premiere on July 20th at 6:00 pm!

"Whatcha Washin" Film Premiere!
Come see the premiere of our latest comedy film which was created at our favorite Riverside Wash in downtown Kezar Falls. We haven’t laughed this hard in a long time and we hope you’ll enjoy the film :) We’ll also be having an encore screening of our summer film “Dude, Where’s the Snake?” to round out a night of Smooth Feather comedies. We hope to see you there!
Smooth Feather Red Carpet Film Premiere!
We’re currently crafting our next film which will premiere on December 17th at the Smooth Feather Theater in Kezar Falls! We can’t wait to see you all on the red carpet!

"True Reflection" Screening at Ossipee Valley Music Festival
We’re super excited to screen our latest film “True Reflection” at the Ossipee Valley Music Festival this weekend! 11AM screening and it’s free for locals within 10 miles to come on Sunday as it’s Maine Day at the festival! Come on down and support our youth and listen to some amazing music!

Summer Film Red Carpet Premiere
Come on out to the red carpet to celebrate the premiere of our summer film created by our youth!

Special Event - Larry & Joe-A Concert
We are incredibly honored to be hosting this special event fundraiser concert for Smooth Feather Youth! Larry & Joe-A play appalachian and traditional Venezuelan Music, performed by Joe Troop, a Grammy Nominated bluegrass and old time musician, and Larry Bellorín, a legend of Llanera music, and an asylum seeker.

Spring Film Premiere!
We’re super excited for the red carpet premiere of our next Smooth Feather Youth production. It will be created over 72 hours once again and come on out to see what we create this time! :) Thanks for all the support and we hope to see you there.

Smooth Feather Youth Winter Film Premiere!
We’re bringing the crew back together this March for another Smooth Feather Film which we’ll make over the course of 3 days. Keep an eye out for us on the streets of Kezar if you’re looking to be a star in our film :) and we hope to see you on the red carpet for the film’s premiere on Sunday March 19th at 2pm.

"AS WE ARE" Screening & Discussion at Dirigo High School
We’re incredibly honored to be part of a Substance Use Awareness Day up at Dirigo High School where we’ve been asked to screen “AS WE ARE” with our youth and host three different group conversations with students throughout the day.

Holiday Extravaganza
Come on out for our annual Holiday Extravaganza at the theater! There will be live music, caroling, a reading of the night before Christmas, and Santa himself making an appearance! Don’t miss out on this awesome event at the theater. One year there was even a Christmas Tree Handstand!!! :)

"AS WE ARE" Screening & Community Conversation
We are incredibly excited to be hosting an encore screening of our summer film “AS WE ARE” on the big screen November 12th at 2pm! Following the screening we are honored to have a group discussion led by a handful of people from our community who are in recovery themselves. Our youth are inspired to have the message of their film be a catalyst for conversation and connection around this issue and we hope to see you there for the event!

Smooth Feather Youth Fall Film Premiere!
We’re very excited to be making a film this fall with our youth in just 3 days starting Friday morning October 28th and finishing just in time for the red carpet premiere two days later on October 30th at 5pm! Come on out for the red carpet and see what our youth will create this time! :)

Film School Red Carpet Premiere!
Get ready for the red carpet at the theater once again! We’ll be creating our latest film school movie the week of the 11th and premiering it to the whole community on Saturday July 16th at 7:00PM. SEE YOU THEN!
Tyler Muise - Director’s Statement:
I honestly am honored to have this position first of all, but I just enjoy trying to put all of the things I've experienced in my lifetime, all the morals and values I've learned along the way, and being able to portray that into a film that people can enjoy. My favorite thing to do is to make people laugh, people happy, and know that I did something that impacted someone.

Theater Reopening Event
Come on out to our grand reopening event at the theater on April 23rd at 6:30pm!

Maine Street USA Screening
This is an awesome project born from our Film School Instructor Alex Morrow! From January - April 2021, filmmakers across the state were invited to produce short documentary films (1-5 minutes in length) depicting slices of life in Maine at this time. Come on out for this powerful free event and learn more about the filmmakers and their movies here. We will be screening the films on our outdoor screen so bring a lawn chair and hope to see you there!

Film School Red Carpet Premiere
Bring a lawn chair and watch this year’s film school movie under the stars behind the Kezar Falls Theater! Event is at 8:30PM on July 17th!

Kezar Falls Theater Variety Show 2021

Variety Show
You won’t want to miss our 2nd annual Kezar Falls Theater Variety Show. We had to turn over 100 people away last year so show up early! :) Doors open at 5:30!

Holiday Extravaganza
If you've never seen a jumping elves show you wont want to miss our holiday extravaganza this Sunday at the theater :) Live Music, Animation, Jumping Elves, Santa Sightings, and more! Bring out the whole family for this one!

"Recovery Boys" Free Screening & Discussion
Come on out for this incredibly powerful film this Sunday at 1pm followed by a community discussion.

Film School Red Carpet Screening!
Mark your calendars now for this year’s film school red carpet!!!!

Kickoff Ossipee Valley Concert 2019!
Come early to this one as it will fill up very fast as it’s an amazing show!!!

Porter Historical Society Presentation
Silas will be sharing a presentation of Smooth Feather Youth’s most recent work and films at 2:30PM.

Rubbish on the Runway
Trash Reimagined! Come on out for an amazing Fashion Show at the Kezar Falls Theater Saturday May 25th at 7pm!

School of Rock - Guitar Workshoip
Saturday, April 27th, 2019
9am - 5pm
Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced
4 Sessions
Tech Breakout
Everybody JAM!
Free lunch
Clip On Tuner Giveaway!
Register now to hold your spot!