
The Guiding Rage into Power (GRIP) Program at San Quentin is a year-long transformative program that provides the tools that enable prisoners to "turn the stigma of being a violent offender into a badge of being a non-violent Peacekeeper." Not only have the men transformed their own behavior, they have become agents of change - people with skills to defuse conflicts around them. 

In 2012, Silas Hagerty and Jim Miller had a screening of "DAKOTA 38" for inmates at San Quentin. It was an incredibly powerful event and there they met Jacques Verduin who leads the G.R.I.P. program. One year later Silas reached out and say, "How can I help?" Jacques responded with "Can you help me edit together 50 short films together from over year of filming?" And there began the journey of spreading inspiring stories of healing from within the San Quentin walls.